A sneak peek


In the last two posts I introduced you to our strategy for the next 5 years.

Here it is at its simplest:

In 2025 we will be taking the grace and truth of Jesus deeper into the heart of our church, and further into our community and beyond. 

I want to begin to show you the nuts and bolts of how, and where, we will do this.

There are six aspirational themes that captured many of the ideas that have been raised over the last 18 months. Below you will find a summary of each of these themes and some very broad aims.

For each of these themes we have very concrete goals, tactics and measurements to help bring these aspirations to reality.


We see a church that is rooted in and delights in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We see a church where the gospel is preached every week and every person is nurtured in the grace of the gospel and equipped to know, love and share the gospel.

We will commit to:

  • teaching the ‘whole counsel of God’ as revealed in the Scriptures

  • preaching the gospel every week

  • consistent standard of preaching that reflects our understanding of the grace and truth of Jesus

  • creating church services that give people a rich experience of the gospel

  • helping one another apply the gospel to our hearts


We see a church that is a city on a hill and a church that takes seriously Jesus’ command to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’.


As a church we will:

  • explore new justice ministries and strengthen current ones

  • develop our ‘public face’—be known in the community and be a place people are drawn to

  • innovate/create new outreach opportunities, particularly opportunities that meet felt needs in the community

  • desire to grow numerically, primarily through conversion growth

  • understand where we are (i.e. a concern for contextualising the gospel)

  • plan and pray for outreach to be a central part of our church’s life and activity.


We see a church that has diverse, self-sustaining leadership pathways. A place where people’s gifts are identified and encouraged for the good of the body.

We will aim to:

  • recruit, resource and release leaders who lead like Jesus

  • raise up leaders who reflect our church and our area

  • nurture and develop our leaders

  • develop new layers of leadership

  • have sustainable leadership pathways


We see a prayerful community that is dependent on God. We see a church community that is hospitable, warm, welcoming and always caring. A community that is richly diverse where women and men, young and old, and all cultures share rich fellowship.

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We would like to see:

  • a diverse community made up of all ages and all backgrounds

  • a place where intergenerational discipleship is fostered

  • a commitment to establish systems of pastoral care that ensures everyone is known and loved and has a strong sense of belonging

  • small groups multiplied and equipped to shepherd and disciple one another

  • people enfolded into our church community through planning and prayer


We see a church birthed through the generosity of Jesus. We see a church that has richly benefited from the gospel generosity of others and desires to be a conduit of that blessing to others.

We desire to:

  • wholeheartedly serve our church community

  • think generously of one another and act generously toward one another

  • send staff and members to less resourced areas

  • send financial support to mission partners

  • send members into the harvest field.


We see a church that faithfully and fruitfully stewards its resources for the benefit of others. We see a church committed to developing our property, increasing its capacity for ministry and strengthening our systems of governance.


We would like to:

  • create inviting, welcoming, safe spaces for all people

  • take care of the property we have and improve it where possible to meet the demands of ministry

  • continue to value and deepen systems of administration (PC, wardens, safe ministry)

You’ve probably heard it said many times that ‘talk is cheap.’ And churches, it seems, are often prone to dreaming big and executing poorly. As mentioned above, these goals are very broad. The particular shape they take will be teased out in the coming weeks as we present concrete goals, tactics and measurements for each of these.